Fetti took the Heavy Hitters to a live Podcast to loosing up the tension in the house, and of course you some cast member had side conversations about others cast members. Tension rises back at the house! Walk up or get walked over in the Heavy Hitters house!
Episode 6 Friends or Fakes
It's been a lot of he said, she said, and they said during eliminations. Some cast members came in as friends and looks like they'll be leaving as ex friends. As the drama continue anything can happen.
Episode 7 Eat That Hole
Fetti has a challenge set up for the heavy hitters, this challenge is called "Eat That Hole" the first team to eat all the holes wins. Drama is still steaming up between the cast.
Episode 8 Wake The Beast Up
Fetti celebrate two cast members birthday back-to-back. Ms. Davis decided to throw Dream wig in the pool to see if she really wants her wig back. Tylah set up the person that keeps eating her food and shakes the house up the next morning.